
These are bankers’ cheques denominated in a foreign currency and can be used for payment of goods/services abroad. Available in major currencies; USD, GBP.

FX Spot Dealing

Buy or sell foreign currency at competitive rates from any of our branches nationwide. Cash services available for major currencies including US Dollar, Euro, Sterling Pound.

Swift Transfers

This is a service that enables you to send/receive money from one account to another from anywhere in the world.

Transactions above or equivalent to USD 10,000 must be supported by relevant documentation before they are effected.


  • Flat fee regardless of the transaction amount
  • Available for major currencies including USD, EUR, GBP. Also available for JPY, CAD, CNY, ZAR, AUD, CHF, NZD.
  • No charge for incoming SWIFTs to foreign currency accounts

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